Eliana Baucicault
ellyB Events & The B Collective, Event Chair
If you could have dinner with one person who would it be and why?
Oprah. She is the GOAT!
What inspires you in life?
My loved ones.
Where would you most love to travel?
I would love to travel to Thailand because I love their food and culture.
Find out more about ellyB Events & The B Collective

Terrica Skaggs
Cocktails & Details, Event Co-Chair
If you could have dinner with one person who would it be and why?
Donatella Versace. I love her frank nature and creative process.
What inspires you in life?
Art. Color. History.
Where would you most love to travel?
Italy. The amount of inspiration there in the culture, food, history alone are mesmerizing.
Find out more about Cocktails & Details

Ashley Robinson
Blush Event Company, Production Chair
If you could have dinner with one person who would it be and why?
Iyanla Vanzant because she is “Auntie Yanla” in my mind. She is no-nonsense & direct with her approach but its all done with love and compassion to motivate others to create a better life and understand of themselves.
What inspires you in life?
My mission given from God!! To be of assistance to others in my life by being my best self and living in God’s purpose for my life.
Where would you most love to travel?
I would love to travel to Santorini, Greece to witness the Panoramic view from Oia's cliffs and red sand in my toes! It looks like paradise.
Find out more about Blush Event Company

Steve Moore
Palate Catering/Design, Food & Beverage Chair
If you could have dinner with one person who would it be and why?
Patti LaBelle, Outside of being and amazing chef, she’s a true diva who speaks her mind. “No Airs, Just Great Food”.
What inspires you in life?
I’m inspired by giving back to others in the event industry. I was given a chance and believe in paying it forward.
Where would you most love to travel?
I would love to travel to China because the amazing history, culture, and food scene.
Find out more about Palate Catering/Design

Mark “Battle” Adams
One Sound Ent, Entertainment Chair
If you could have dinner with one person who would it be and why?
Quincy Jones.
What inspires you in life?
My little girls.
Where would you most love to travel?
I would love to travel to Japan because of the deep music scene.
Find out more about One Sound Ent

Robyne Gordon
Carrie Belle Events, Awards/Entries Chair
If you could have dinner with one person who would it be and why?
Maya Angelou. Her life story was one of tragedy, treasure, and triumph. Her writings have been a guiding light through various times of my life, to be in her presence would be a honor.
What inspires you in life?
My village.
Where would you most love to travel?
I would love to travel to Italy because of their mastery of art, food and architecture.
Find out more about Carrie Belle Events

Jillian Smith
One Touch Events, Awards/Entries Chair
If you could have dinner with one person who would it be and why?
Oprah. She is a wealth of wisdom, strength and black girl magic that just being in her presence elevates you to your next best level.
What inspires you in life?
My daily interactions. I draw inspiration from a simple conversation to a street art installation. I love life and all that it offers, the ups, downs and inbetweens, which in itself is inspirational.
Where would you most love to travel?
I would love to travel back to Africa, to as many countries as I possibly can because my first experience still to this day has me craving to learn and experience more of our beautiful motherland.
Find out more about One Touch Events

Brian Green
By BrianGreen, Decor Chair
If you could have dinner with one person who would it be and why?
Ohhhhh!!!! This is a great question, instantly my mind is racing because I can think of so many people I would love to have dinner with and talk to about so many topics. So, mine is going to be a cop out because I have to pick two people. One would definitely be Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the other would be Toni Morrison.
What inspires you in life?
That one is easy – it’s Art. Art inspires me in all of its forms. Fashion, music, literature, fine art, sculpture, interior design, architecture – it all inspires me because art and artist for me are the defining line between a society that will flourish and one that will perish. Art feeds the soul.
Where would you most love to travel?
I would love to travel to THE MALDIVES because the idea of vacationing in an incredible Five Star property built over the water where you wake up surrounded by water to me feels like a perfect kind of heaven.
Find out more about By BrianGreen

Jan Hill
La Fete Weddings & Events, Administrative Chair
If you could have dinner with one person who would it be and why?
If I could have dinner with one person, it would be Oprah Winfrey. I’ve always been interested by her story and have been inspired by her over the years. I would be prepared to listen to some amazing jewels and life lessons.
What inspires you in life?
My mother inspires me. She is a beautiful, intelligent, strong woman that handles everything and everyone with grace. She also speaks fluent French and which is why I named my company La Fête Weddings and Events; La Fête means to celebrate or the celebration in french.
Where would you most love to travel?
I would love to travel to Hawaii because it’s always been my dream destination since I was five years old because of the stunning landscapes and beautiful beaches. I would also love to plan a destination wedding at Haiku Mill on the island of Maui.
Find out more about La Fete Weddings & Events

Joanna Sheppard
Valia Rose Events, Volunteer Management Chair
If you could have dinner with one person who would it be and why?
If I could have dinner with one person it would be Oprah Wynfrey. I mean… its Oprah! She is an icon, ultimate example of a business woman that is constantly building a legacy. She handles business with poise and integrity and is definitely the person I would want to have a glass of vino with over dinner. #oprahforpresident2020
What inspires you in life?
I am inspired by cultural influences, nature and most importantly, my daughter London Claire who is my boss!
Where would you most love to travel?
I would love to travel to my grandmother Valia’s birthplace in Cicily. The country is rich in design influences that I would love to absorb.
Find out more about Valia Rose Events

Brittany Sharp
Modern Mold Agency, Public Relations Chair
If you could have dinner with one person who would it be and why?
Beyonce's publicist. Would love to learn more about how she manages such a large brand.
What inspires you in life?
My parents. The training and mindset that they have instilled in my sister and I always motivates me to go harder than I went yesterday.
Where would you most love to travel?
Australia. I'm so intrigued with the wedding and party industry over there. Everything and I do mean EVERYTHING is over the top!